Taylor Dodd

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently the captain of CATS, Tap Cats, Pre-professional acting, and I teach a young children’s jazz class.  When did you start at Center Stage? I started Center Stage in 2005 when I was around 4 years old.  Do you remember your first dance routine? My first dance routine was “The Kangaroo Hop” in the little kid show!

What was your Center Stage journey?

I started dancing very young and eventually began company in 2nd grade. After that first year of Kittens my mom pulled me out of company the following year so I could try other things to make sure dance was what I wanted to commit to. After attempting karate and softball(hahaha) I went back to competition dance and have been committed to it ever since. It’s crazy that I’ve been at Center Stage my whole life and now have to graduate:(. 

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

The people!! The people at Center Stage are my family and I know they will be in my life for a very long time. We all support each other and I know they will always make me laugh, I wouldn’t want to grow up with any other people. Also seeing how far I’ve come has made it worth it. To be putting endless hours into something you want to see all your hard work pay off. I’m not only proud of the dancer I’ve become but the person as well, always connected <3. 

You did “Sugar Plum” in our production of “The Nutcracker” last year during your Junior year.  Does that seem forever ago now?  Can you talk about that experience; the rehearsal, the performance and the accomplishment?

My most rewarding performance ever!! Being “Sugar Plum” in “The Nutcracker” was definitely the most challenging and driven process I have ever done. The choreography is the original choreography from “The Nutcracker”, it’s not watered down, so it is incredibly demanding, especially while only being 16 years old. Honestly, the rehearsal process was a challenge because I had to train my body to dance for 12 minutes straight and getting that stamina was tough especially in the beginning of the process. During dress rehearsal which was the last time I would run through my Pas De Deux before the show was the WORST time I ever ran it. Fell out of turns, couldn’t do partner lifts, was completely off centered. I was freaking out before the show because I was nowhere near confident considering the rehearsal. But Lainie, Susan, and my partner Taylor, were all extremely helpful throughout the whole process especially during that time when I was doubting myself. I am very happy with my performance and it was an amazing feeling to finally perform that role. If Lainie reads this she can confirm I was doing Sugar Plum choreo in her ballet class since I was a little girl. 

When you first started acting classes at Center Stage, it was really because it was a required class, rather than because you had any particular interest, right?  What changed? 

Was there a moment or a scene or a role where you connected to what acting is about?   THANK YOU for making me take acting!!! In the beginning I didn’t know much of it. I was shy, quiet, and you could not hear what I was saying when I spoke lines. I was also one of those people who said “like” every other word when they talked(I think I still am one of those people but I think it’s gotten better). I remember we were doing an exercise in Stephens class and I said the word “like” 90-something times!!! But honestly I think I most connected to acting last year. I loved both my roles in the recital and the acting showcase, and I hope I get a chance to perform what we’ve been working on this year. Ah!! I love acting!!! 

What’s your favorite movie and why?

This is hard...I wish I had one. Honestly after every really good movie I watch I become obsessed with it for a month. But as of right now, my favorite movies are “A Star is Born” and “Saving Mr.Banks” oooo and maybe “Mamma Mia” oooo or “Grease”. 

First celebrity crush?

Zac Efron, I guess cause of High School Musical? I feel like he’s a lot of girls’ first celebrity crush. 

Who are your heroes?

My mom!!! Hi mom!! ! I love you so much, you’re the best. I can’t believe everything you do for me you work so hard and I look up to you!! love you <3

What personal quality do you have that you are most proud of?

I think I’m a hard worker and a perfectionist. Although being a perfectionist can be my best yet worst trait. Always want to strive for the best, yet sometimes getting to that the process can be overwhelming. 

Is there someone you see who has the career you’d like to have, or would you maybe like to take 2 or 3 people and put their careers together?

Ok Keely Beirne and Amanda Braun are kind of killing it right now. It honestly wasn’t until recently when I realized I would love to be on broadway, especially in Hamilton!! Omg a dream. 

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

Hmmm I didn’t know what to put for this one so I took a buzzfeed quiz and got Panda! 

What’s next?

College:) I would love to say where I will be attending but as of right now I still haven’t made a decision. However, no matter where I go I will be majoring in Dance with a double major in either Health Sciences or Dance Sciences. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I also wish I could tell you this but I’m not really sure. I just hope to be happy,  doing what I love, and successful. 

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

Are you kidding?! Of course I’ll be visiting!! Especially because a lot of my best friends will be at Center Stage for another year (hi guys love you). I’m sure my mom will be visiting too hahaha she’s going to be in shock next year when all the dance moms are at dance competitions and I’m away at college.


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