Riley Drumm

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently in the CATS and Tap Cats company as well as acting and singing classes.

When did you start at Center Stage?

I started at Center Stage when I was 4 years old.

Do you remember your first dance routine?

My first class was ballet and it was a Cinderella dance

What was your Center Stage journey?

So growing up dancing here I always looked up to the older kids and wanted to be dancing like them someday, so after years of doing recreational classes I tried out for company and made jr. cougars. After that I moved up each year and worked my way through Jr. Cats and tap, and finally auditioned for Cats and Tap Cats in 8th grade!! After spending two year as a Cats Apprentice I moved into CATS which is where I currently am.

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

Making Center Stage my priority throughout middle and high school was 100% worth it. Honestly, if I wasn’t dancing everyday I don’t know what I would be doing. It has shaped me as a person to be timely, hardworking, and efficient. Not only has it shaped my work ethic, but also it has given me countless experiences and relationships that I could never replace.

Do you do other outside of school activities?

Outside of school I don’t do many things besides dance and watch tv, but I do have a guitar and I am very bad at playing it but I try.

What’s your favorite movie and why?

My favorite movie ever is very hard to decide on because I feel like I’ve watched so many but on the top of my list is definitely Almost Famous because Penny Lane is the most iconic character ever and I love the depiction of the time period.

Favorite Broadway show?

My favorite broadway show is Chicago.

First Broadway show?

The first show I saw was Evita.

Favorite food?

Sushi by far.

First celebrity crush?

Hm I think my first celebrity crush was Justin Bieber

TV Show you're embarrassed to admit you used to watch?

I watched My Little Pony in 6th grade LOL

What are you irrationally afraid of?

Rides. I have never been on a real rollercoaster in my life.

The last year has been really hard on everybody, but maybe especially teenagers.  How was your COVID journey?  Was there a low point?  And was there a turning point where you realized you were going to survive?

The last year has honestly been pretty hard for me but I’ve been surrounded by a lot of supportive and great people which I’m very thankful for. I have not done much this year besides go to dance and attend school from my bedroom, and of course that takes a toll on any normal person. Spending time with my family is great but there have been times I’ve just felt very unmotivated to do anything at all, and I think that a lot of people can relate especially with everything going on.

What do you wish you knew how to do that you can’t right now?  

Something I wish I knew how to do that I can’t right now is honestly just live without questioning my actions and second guessing myself.

Who is your hero and why?

This is such a hard question for me but as cliché as this might sound I feel like in a way everyone that I have learned from in some way is a hero to me because they have shared experiences with me that contribute a lot to my own thought process and what I wish to do for myself and my future.

What’s next?

Next I will be attending Fordham University and living in the city which I have dreamed of for as long as I can remember and hopefully have an amazing experience!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I see myself working for a fashion magazine, hopefully have done some traveling but definitely still in the prime of my adulthood.

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

Of course I will visit Center Stage for many years to come!! I can’t wait to see how things evolve over the years:)