Hailey Cregle

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently in Jazzcats, Ocean Tap Cats, and the new Hip Hop company (the name is to be determined) 

When did you start at Center Stage?

I began my journey at Center Stage when I was 6 years old. I took a musical theatre/jazz class with Tori in the Ocean studio. 

Do you remember your first dance routine?

Of course!  It was called “Fabulous,” from the movie High School Musical, by Danielle Mondi. We wore the cutest hot pink, sparkly dresses. 

What was your Center Stage journey?

After taking the musical theatre/jazz classes during the summer with Tori when I was 6 years old, I knew that dance was something I wanted to pursue. I took a variety of “recreational” dance classes, such as tap, ballet, jazz, and even musical theatre. After a few years of dancing, I decided that I wanted to try out for company. After making the team, I became part of the Cougars company until I finally joined Jazzcats five years ago.  Along with being a Jazzcat, I also became an Ocean Tap Cat three years ago and a Hip Hop company member starting this year! While many of my classes are up at the East Brunswick studio, I still take some classes in Ocean. 

Why dance?  It’s a big commitment.  What do you get from it, and what do you bring to it that makes it special for you?

Dance is an extremely big commitment, but I feel it is always 100% worth it. Over the past couple of years, I have built such strong bonds with both my teammates and teachers that will never be broken. Also, I have put so much time and effort into attending all of my classes and trying my hardest to represent the team. I have gained so much confidence and learned so many life lessons from dance that I will forever cherish. 

Do you do other outside of school activities?

I do many activities other than being on the Center Stage dance team. I attend Shore Regional High School and am part of many teams and clubs. I am part of the Shore Regional dance team for both fall and winter in which we perform dances during halftime at the school’s football and basketball games. I am also enrolled in an IB Dance class that we will hopefully have a showcase in the spring for. Aside from all of the dance aspects, I am also a member of many clubs, such as the Interact Service Club (and an officer), Conquer Cancer Club (and an officer), and Students for Animal Welfare. I am also part of both the Student Council and the National Honor Society. I also volunteer often and babysit whenever I can. I am a very hardworking and ambitious individual and I challenge myself very much, but my hard work has paid off since I earned my Seal of Biliteracy for Spanish and became the Student of the Month for my school last November. Hopefully it can pay off in the future when it comes to college as well! 

You live by the shore.  Are you a beach baby?  Was the beach a big part of your upbringing?

I am 100% a beach baby and therefore cannot picture life without living five minutes away from the beach. You can find me on my days off in the summer at the beach with family or friends. I love everything about it- surfing, bodysurfing, boogie boarding, or even just relaxing on the sand.  In fact, I even enjoy spending time at the beach all year round by walking on the boardwalk and going to my favorite restaurants and shops! I definitely plan on living near the beach after college. 

What’s your favorite movie and why?

I absolutely love watching movies so this is extremely difficult to answer, but my favorite movie would have to be Mamma Mia! When I was a little girl, I would sleep at my grandma’s house every Friday and I insisted we watch this movie. From then to now, I could recite line by line and sing along to every song. 

Favorite food?

My favorite food is either (very oddly) pickles or salad. I could eat 100 pickles a day and never get sick of them. In fact, my best friend got me a basket filled with pickle-themed objects and foods for my 10th birthday. When it comes to salad, I could easily survive on it for the rest of my life since there are so many different varieties.

First celebrity crush?

My first celebrity crush was definitely Zac Efron. Whenever I watched High School Musical, I always wished that I was Gabriella! 

TV Show you're embarrassed to admit you used to watch?

I’m embarrassed to admit that I used to watch “The Doodlebops.” Not many of my friends know what this show was, and now that I look back at it I can completely understand why. Needless to say, the characters from this show honestly freak me out now.  

What makes you laugh?

Everything! It is very easy to make me laugh. I typically laugh most when people are clumsy, say funny things, and get hurt- but not to the point where it is serious.

What are you irrationally afraid of?

This is extremely random, but I am irrationally afraid of gas masks. Whenever I am watching a TV Show in which a character has one on or if I am at a costume shop where I see these masks, I always close my eyes or turn the other way. In fact, I will never forget the day when I was learning a lesson in History a few years ago and in my textbook there was a photo of a person wearing a gas mask. I remember clearly that I screamed in the middle of class and closed my book immediately.

If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?

If I joined the circus, I would love to be part of the trapeze acts. The way these people move their bodies and rely on each other so much is very intriguing to me. I would love to try it someday! 

What’s next?

After graduating from Shore Regional High School in June of 2022, I plan on attending college to study Nursing. I hope to eventually become a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Dermatology. I definitely plan on joining a sorority and hopefully a dance team or club. I can’t imagine not having dance be a part of my everyday life! After submitting all of my applications, I am reaching the point where the thought of leaving for college is very scary and emotional, but at the same time I am very excited to start a new chapter of my life.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I hope to be working as a Nurse Practitioner in the field of Dermatology. I will live in a home of my own on the Jersey Shore. Hopefully I will have a puppy (or puppies). I also plan on traveling the world- there are so many places I want to see.

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

I will definitely come back to visit Center Stage! The studios, teachers, and all of my teammates have had such a huge impact on my life that I will never be able to let go. My second family truly evolved from this place!

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