Elena Serio

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently a member of the Senior CATS company. 

When did you start at Center Stage?

I started dancing at Center Stage at the old Marlboro studio when I was 7 years old. 

Do you remember your first dance routine?

Yes, my first-ever dance routine was a tap dance called Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by Miss Pam.

What was your Center Stage journey?

My Center Stage journey was enlightening, fun, challenging, and worth every minute. I first started taking recreational classes when I was 7 years old - going two days a week for ballet and tap. After that first year I knew this was the place for me. I admired the older company dancers and aspired to be like them. Eventually I made company, making my way through Jr. Cats, and then making CATS, a very big goal at the time. I made lifelong friendships along the way and great memories. I will be sad to part ways from the studio I grew up at. 

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

I believe all the energy and hard work has prepared me for life’s challenges. The many, many hours I spent in this studio taught me discipline, focus, and leadership. I am grateful to the facility for pushing me to be better and the support of my friends. 

What other outside of school activities do you do?

Outside of Center Stage, I am part of a selective Performing Arts program in my high school called Freehold Performing Arts Center (FPAC). I get to dance two hours a day during school! I am also a member of six different school clubs and a member of the National Honor Society.

If aliens showed up in your backyard, what would be the first thing you’d show them to help them understand Earth?

If aliens showed up in my backyard I would probably show them a globe since that is literally Earth. From the globe they might get a sense of what they are living on and the concept of water and land. 

What’s your favorite season and why?

My favorite season is winter because it is my busiest season and the season where I have things to constantly look forward to such as my birthday, pep rally, competition season, and school work getting more challenging. I love to hustle and balance everything in my life. I also just love the cold weather, snow, and puffer coats.

If you were a superhero, what would be your name and your power?

If I were a superhero my name would probably be Speedy Serio. George actually called me that once in a Jr. Tap Cat dance just because I tend to rush many things. My super power would be super speed, making me run extremely fast, and getting everything done faster.

Are you more of a crier or a giggler?

In most situations I am more of a giggler and a very sarcastic person. However, there are moments when I can get frustrated or overwhelmed and cry for about one minute before realizing I am actually fine. 

If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

I would choose to stop aging at 35 because I feel like it is not too old but not too young. I won't have any wrinkles and will be very healthy, so I would say that is an appropriate age. 

Are you a loner or a crowd person?

Almost all the time I very much enjoy the company of myself. However, I am naturally surrounded with crowds often and I don't care, unless they have germs. 

Would you like to be famous?

Yes, I would definitely want to be famous. Besides many people knowing who you are, famous people could lead by example and inspire many others as well. 

What would you like to be famous for?

I would like to be famous as a talented dancer. However, in the long term I would like to be famous as a successful lawyer in NYC. I also would like to be famous for marrying a professional athlete. 

What’s next?

I will be attending a 3+3 Law Accelerated Program in which I will receive my bachelor's degree and a law degree in six years. I am currently waiting to hear back from colleges, so that is to be determined!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I will be 28 years old and about 4 years out of law school. I hope to be on a partner track at an elite law firm.  

 Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

I will definitely be back to visit. Center Stage gave me memories that I will never forget and will always be a place I call home.

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