Sophie Unger

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently in CATS and I take classes with Lauren, Mickey, Michelle, Tara, and Anne. I take ballet, hip hop, jazz, and technique classes. 

When did you start at Center Stage?

I started at Center Stage when I was 3 years old. 

Do you remember your first dance routine?

I do remember my first dance routine. I remember my best friend and I were in the dance together. During the recital at the end of the dance we started singing the song and the audience sure found it funny. 

What was your Center Stage journey?

I started at Center Stage at 3 and took ballet, jazz, and tap classes. I eventually tried out for company a few years later and started out as a junior cougar, then a senior cougar, then I was in junior cats for three years, junior tap cats, and now i am a senior cat. 

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

It has been worth all of the energy and sacrifices i’ve made because I can now look back as a senior and look at my progress as a dancer. It is also worth it because I have been assisting for many years and this year I started teaching a few classes which is a very fun experience (shoutout to Jon wink wink staff wall). 

What other outside of school activities do you do?

I am captain of my school’s dance team, I am a tennis club receptionist, a tutor, and a babysitter. Over the summer I am a day camp counselor as well. 

Assisting has been a major part of your time at Center Stage.  What do you enjoy about working with young kids?  What are the hard parts?

I enjoy being a mentor to young kids. There haven’t been many hard parts with assisting as it has been very enjoyable. I got to assist a lot of amazing teachers and I grew to really enjoy assisting. 

If aliens showed up in your backyard, what would be the first thing you’d show them to help them understand Earth?

If aliens showed up in my backyard, I think the first thing i would show them to help them understand Earth is Taco Bell.

What’s your favorite season and why?

My favorite season is spring because it is not too hot and not too cold. I like the when trees turn pink and all of the flowers bloom too even though it is allergy season. Most importantly, my birthday is in the spring and spring means that school is coming to an end soon. 

What personal trait do you have that you are most proud of?

The personal trait I have that I am most proud of is my selflessness. I really try to put others before me and I do believe in good karma.

Are you more a crier or a giggler?

I am probably both. However, I definitely like to laugh more than cry. 

 f you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

If i could be immortal, I would choose to stop aging at 2. They do not have to worry about school, the SATs, applying for college, and much more. They just get to play all day without having to do any homework or worry about going to school the following day. 

Are you a loner or a crowd person?

I am more of a crowd person. I like to socialize with people and I love to meet new people. 

Would you like to be famous?  What would you be famous for?

I would like to be famous. I would like to be famous for finding a cure to a rare disease. That would be pretty cool. 

 If they made a movie of your life, who should play you?

I think Dwayne the rock Johnson should play me if they made a movie about me and it could be a comedy. 

What’s next?

Next year, I will be attending Lehigh University, studying psychology and neuroscience. I would hopefully want to eventually be a clinical neuroscientist and be able to diagnose and treat people with neurological disorders. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself at my job where I will be helping those in need. 

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

I will definitely come back to visit Center Stage to see my favorite teachers and my bffs at the front desk :). 


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