Mia Costa

What classes are you currently in?

I am currently in voice lessons with Alora, advanced musical theater with Alora, and I assist Alora with the children’s musical theater class.

When did you start at Center Stage?

Freshman year, 2020.

What was your Center Stage journey?

I first started center stage with a jazz class and musical theater with Alora. However, I ended up being the only student in the musical theater class, so it turned into a voice lesson. Then, I decided that jazz was not for me, so I switched to lyrical. I also decided that lyrical was not for me, so I decided to try tap dancing my sophomore year. I enjoyed it a lot more and thought that I was far better in tap than I was in lyrical. I continued tap until this year, along with musical theater and voice lessons.

Though you take Musical Theatre and dance at Center Stage, I think it’s fair to say that your top talent/passion is music (which you also study at Center Stage, with Alora).  Where does singing fit into your life?  When did you start thinking of yourself as a singer?  How does it make you feel?

I’ve always had a passion for performing. In fact, some of my earliest memories are dancing or singing in front of my family. For example, I was obsessed with the movie “Happy Feet”, and would stand in front of the TV pretending to tap dance. Another example would be me standing on an ottoman in our living room singing “If I Were King Of The Forest” from “The Wizard of Oz”. However, I never really thought about singing until I was around 12. I was very shy and self conscious at first, but I soon got over that. Now, I love singing so much that I will be walking around the house singing a random song from a musical I had been in (much to my brother’s dismay). Singing makes me feel happy because it’s something that I love and know that I am good at. 

 Last year, you were in the main cast of our Gala show, “Road to Fame.”  Most everybody else in the cast pretty much grew up together. How was that for you?  Artistically?  Interpersonally?  

It was a great experience and I am very glad I ended up auditioning. I was a little intimidated at first considering that everyone was familiar with the Gala and I wasn’t, but everyone welcomed me with open arms and helped me feel more comfortable. I quickly befriended Ryleigh due to the fact that we both had no clue what we were doing during the dance audition, and I am still friends with her today. I am very grateful for everyone in the cast and I am excited to be a part of it again this year!

 What was the first Broadway show you saw?

My first Broadway show was “Frozen”. It was a Christmas gift to me and my brother, although I think I might have enjoyed it more than he did.

 Favorite Broadway show?

The music in “The Phantom of the Opera” has always been my favorite, but I would have to say “Spamalot” is my all time favorite. It has great music, engaging characters, and it is absolutely hilarious!

 Who are your role models?  Whose life and values, either from your personal life or famous people, would you like to emulate?

Someone that I have always looked up to is Sierra Bogess. She is my favorite Broadway actress EVER! Musically, I want to be just like her. She has an amazing voice and I hope to be as good as her some day. However, in my personal life, I look up to my music teacher at Shore Regional, Mr. Attilio. He is an amazing teacher and all of his students love him. He is compassionate, funny, and always does his best to help his students. As a future educator, he is who I strive to be like when I am a teacher.

 What’s one thing (book/movie/play/TV show/song) that you’re passionate about and that everyone should experience?

I LOVE “The Good Place” on Netflix. It is one of my favorite TV shows ever, and I think everyone who wants a good laugh (and a good cry) should watch it. There are so many unexpected turns!

 What’s your biggest pet peeve?

As someone who loves to do musicals and partake in shows, I really dislike when people talk poorly of those who enjoy theater. It is very common for people outside of performing arts to make fun of people who enjoy being on stage. Just like those who play sports, we work just as hard as they do to put on an amazing show, and it is NOT easy. Many people have told me that those who speak poorly of theater are just jealous and wish they had the courage to perform, and I believe that to be true. 

 If you were to write a self-help book based on the things you’ve learned about life thus far, what would it be titled?

Even though I’ve been alive for 18 years, I still don’t think I have enough life experience to give any advice. However, if I were to write a self-help book, it would be called “How To Stop Caring About What Other People Think”. I went through most of my early teen years worrying about how others perceived me, but I came to realize that it doesn’t really matter at all. There are many good people in the world, and some not so good. You should want to surround yourself with good people who will not judge you for silly things. You should be yourself, because at the end of the day, it’s YOUR life. Realize that people who judge others don’t matter and have no right to affect you. 

 What would your dream house be like?

I’ve always dreamed about living in Norway! It is a beautiful country. I would like to live in a cozy house in a village in Oslo.

 If you were to go back in time, what decade/century would you like to spend some time in and why?  Do you think maybe you lived then in a previous lifetime?

I would love to be a toddler again. Toddlers have it so easy. I miss being a tiny 3 year old being pushed around in a stroller in Disney. No homework, no drama, just eating mickey bars and watching a princess parade in Magic Kingdom.

What’s next?

Ideally, I would love to go to Montclair for Music Education and become a music teacher at a high school.

 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In a choir room surrounded by high schoolers and preparing them for the winter concert.

 Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

Absolutely! I’ve made so many friends there and formed unforgettable relationships with my teachers. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them, and I love everyone dearly. After all, we are all friends at Center Stage!

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