Ashley Seemann

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently a part of the CATS company, this being my fifth year.

When did you start at Center Stage?

I started at Center Stage when I was seven years old in Jr. Cougars, but I have been dancing since I was 2.

Do you remember your first dance routine?

My first dance routine was “Forget You” by Sue Garahan.

What was your Center Stage journey?

I started off in the Jr. Cougar company and then proceeded into the Sr. Cougars. I was a Jr. CAT for 3 years until I made the Sr. CAT company as an apprentice for the first two years. After my first two years as an apprentice, I went on to the Sr. CAT company in addition to being a tap cat for many years.

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

This experience has been worth all my time and dedication because the CAT’s are my family and Center Stage has been a second home to me. The extraordinary training that I received will prepare me for all my future goals in whichever direction I choose.

What other outside of school activities do you do?

I am a part of the Fine and Performing Arts Program at my high school, along with being a member of the Make-A-Wish club and founder of the Yoga club. Apart from school, I help special needs children each week by volunteering for Friendship Circle. Additionally, I intern at a physical therapist’s office in preparation for my future aspirations.

If aliens showed up in your backyard, what would be the first thing you’d show them to help them understand Earth?

If Aliens showed up in my backyard I would probably show them the beach, as it is something everyone loves and is a common place for many to go.

What’s your favorite season and why?

My favorite season is Fall, I love the scenery and the holidays that come along with it. I love pumpkin coffee all year round!!!

If you were a superhero, what would be your name and your power?

If I was a superhero my name would be Ashman, and I would be able to fly, so I’m never late anywhere :)

Are you more a crier or a giggler?

I am more of a giggler, I always like to have fun and be in a happy environment!

If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

If I could be immortal, I would stop aging during my youth to prolong the most precious and best years of my life!

Are you a loner or a crowd person?

I am a crowd person, I always love being surrounded by friends and family.

Would you like to be famous?

I would love to be famous for my accomplishments.

What would you like to be famous for?

I would like to be famous for inventing a tool useful in the physical therapy field or find a cure that can heal sports athletes quickly.

What’s next?

I hope to attend college and pursue my passion of physical therapy, hopefully majoring in exercise science! I would also love to be a part of a sorority and active in clubs on campus!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I hope to have a large family with an occupation as a physical therapist specializing in sports medicine while residing in Florida.

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

Of course I will come back to visit! Center Stage has been a home of mine for years and I can’t imagine not walking through those doors everyday. I grew up spending most of my childhood years in the studio, therefore it will never be forgotten. I can’t wait to come back and watch all the dances, but this time from the audience!

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