What to Expect When Your Child Enrolls in Dance/Theatre/Music Classes at Center Stage This Fall

WE. CAN’T. WAIT! to get everybody back into the studio!  We’re grateful to all of you who stayed with us in the Spring as we Zoomed into your homes, and we’re happy to welcome all of you new members of the Center Stage family!  We’re very proud of what we accomplished under difficult conditions, but – come on—we all know that wasn’t how we’d like to do it.  We want to be in the studio with you, see your smiling, well, eyes and share our love of performing arts!  We started this summer with some of our company students and a couple of small camps, to make sure we could pull this off, and everybody cooperated, everything ran smoothly, so now here we go!  BUT we have to make sure we do it right!  If we get too complacent, we’re going to be endangering people’s health and also risking that we’re going to have to shut down again.  So there are a lot more rules than there used to be, but all we have to do is pitch in, look out for one another and remember that we’re sharing our passions.

At Center Stage we want to assure you that we are taking the health and safety of our students, parents, teachers, and employees very seriously as we reopen the studio in September. There are many new safety rules, precautions, and sanitation measures that we are implementing.

Below is an overview of what parents and students can expect when they enroll in dance classes at Center Stage Studio this Fall.

New Safety Rules and Procedures

  • Students should not come to the studio or attend class if they or their parents or household members have any of the following symptoms: Fever of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, fatigue, dry cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, loss of taste or smell, muscle aches.

  • If you or your child have been ill, around someone who has been ill or tested COVID-19 positive, please self-quarantine and wait 14 days to return to the studio.

  • If you have travelled to a state on Governor Murphy’s Quarantine list, or travelled internationally or involving airline flights, please self-quarantine and wait 14 days to return to the studio.

  • All employees, parents and children will be required to wear a face mask/covering at all times. 

  • Upon arrival at the studio, everyone will be checked in at the door. Everyone entering the building will have their temperature taken using a no-touch digital thermometer. Please do not leave your child at the studio until we have cleared their temperature.

  • Our lobby area is restricted and is closed to minimize traffic. If your child is 6-years-old and above, you must wait outside of the studio until the child’s class is over. The lobby will ONLY be open to 1 parent/guardian with children 5 and under. 

  • Children must come dressed for class as bathroom use will be limited to one person at a time and so won’t allow room for changing clothes. 

  • Your child must keep their personal items at home. No personal belongings are allowed in the studio, with the exception of a full water bottle, hand sanitizer, and if needed, inhalers and EpiPens.  All may be kept in a small dance bag. 

  • Street shoes are not to be worn in dance rooms. Students will take their shoes off at the dance room door and then put them in their dance bag.

  • There are hand sanitizer dispensers in each dance room, in 3 areas of the gym and all bathrooms and lobby.   We also have ultra violet light air sanitizers  (germ guardians) in each room for extra sanitizing protection. 

  • We will practice social distancing of at least 6 feet the entire time, where possible.

  • There are brightly colored tape grids laid out on the floor in each studio, and students will be distanced by AT LEAST 6 feet in the dance studios.

  • ANYONE WHO DOESN’T FEEL COMFORTABLE COMING INTO THE STUDIO can continue classes on Zoom.  There will be a camera in each room during each class.  The teacher or assistant will be monitoring the Zoom students, giving corrections and answering questions just as if you were in the classroom. We have purchased large televisions that are linked to our zoom computers enabling teachers to have an even better view of online students.

Center Stage Assurances

Center Stage employees are following strict sanitation and disinfecting guidelines and procedures all day long. These procedures include but are not limited to frequent hand washing, disinfecting ballet barres, floors, door handles and knobs, restrooms, and all high touch areas.

Contingency Plans

Should there be a spike in COVID-19 cases and we are directed into a “shelter-in-place” situation again, all classes will continue online via Zoom sessions.

We look forward to seeing you in September!  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, or give us a call at 732 238-7890.  

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