Jake Molinaro

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently a part of Sr. Cats with Mickey, Tap Cats with George, Pre-Professional Acting with Stephen, and Voice with Elaine. 

Do you remember your first dance routine?

My first dance routine was a jazz dance to “Baby I’m A Star” with Amanda back in the Marlboro studio.

What was your Center Stage journey?

I started out at age 7 at the Marlboro studio taking voice classes with Elaine, and then I started to also take Musical Theatre and Jazz the following year. After that, I auditioned for company and I got in! I started out in Jr. Cougars with Sue and worked my way up all the way to Sr. Cats and Tap Cats. In addition to that, I also attended the Stage Struck summer camp for numerous years and have been doing the main stage shows as long as I can remember. (Little Kid Show all the way to the gala:) 

Do you know/remember how you got started in dance?

It’s funny you ask because I have been dancing my whole life… literally. The running gag with my family is that when I was a baby I didn’t walk, I danced and sang my way through the house. (It’s true there are plenty of videos).

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

Being a student at Center Stage has made me ready to embark on a professional career in the arts. The countless hours and days I’ve spent in the studio have prepared me to go out into the world and pursue this as a career. I’ve learned time management from balancing my time at the studio, school, and volunteering in the community. I’ve had to miss out on a lot of “traditional high school experiences” because I was always at the studio, but I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything because it has shaped me into the person I am today.

What are the perks and perils of being a boy dancer?

Perks: you get more dressing room space!

Perils: the constant judgment you receive and the constant comparison to your friends but it made me a strong person

In addition to dancing and singing, you’ve been acting at Center Stage for most of your time here, both in showcase and mainstage.  A.) Which was your favorite role?  And B.) Which role was closest to you?

I LOVE this question!!!! I have two favorite roles, the first being Tom the brat I played in one of the galas, that was so so so much fun! I’ll never forget getting to wear that ridiculous silver shiny costume that looked like a met gala outfit and getting to eat cool whip on stage. I think I loved it so much because I was able  to play the villain. My other favorite role has to be when I played Peter Pan in Stage Struck Camp, that was definitely a blast to play. The role closest to me would be Michael from my sophomore gala show because he was such a quirky, lovable character. 

If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?  What would your superhero name be?

My superpower would be to be able to fly. It would be so much quicker and I could get to places faster. I don’t know what my superhero name would be, but maybe something with a J so it sounds similar to Jake?

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Anyone who knows me knows I HATE being late. I always have to be one of the first people anywhere. I like to be prepared.

Who should play you in your bio-flick?

I honestly can’t imagine anyone other than myself playing me. I think it would be weird to see someone else acting out my story. 

What personal quality(ies) do you have that you’re most proud of?

My kindness, my optimism, and my determination. I think it's a good trio.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pizza! It’s my favorite food and I can’t live without it.

Say you’re independently wealthy and will never have to work, what would you do with your time?

Ooo that’s a tough one…. hmm I would go to Disney World! 

What’s next?

College! In the fall I will be attending Fordham University/The Ailey School to get a BFA in Dance!!!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Living my best life and biggest dreams performing on stage!!

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

I think it would be extremely difficult not to come back to the studio after spending almost every day there for so many years. I’m sure you will see me back again:)