Jaida Lowe

What companies/classes are you currently in?

I am currently in the Senior Cat company, Hip Hop company, Ocean Tap Cats, and Ocean Hoofers.

When did you start at Center Stage?

I started dancing at Center Stage around the age of six.

Do you remember your first dance routine?

I honestly could not tell you what my first dance was. That was a long time ago and I can't even remember what my dances are now. (that was a joke, i swear i know my dances) I may not remember what the dance was exactly, but I do know that it was choreographed by the one and only, Danielle Mondi. and I also know that it was cute because, I mean, why wouldn't it be?

What was your Center Stage journey?

My center stage journey is a long one. I started company my second year of dancing with Danielle Mondi, and worked my way up through almost, if not every company Center Stage has to offer. I was an original Ocean Tap Cat and an original Ocean Hoofer.  At the age of 12 I began dancing at the Marlboro studio with the Jr Cats. Then in 2019 I became a Jazzcat. After the Marlboro studio closed I began dancing at the East Brunswick studio. In 2022 I became a part of a company called the Senior Hybrids. I am now in the Senior Cats company dancing at both the Ocean and East Brunswick studios. 

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve made?

I think it has definitely been worth all of my energy and time because of the friendships I've made along the way. Some of the friends I've made at center stage have changed my life for the better. I will always cherish the moments and memories made with these people, and I know when I look back on life at the age of like, 97 or something, I will be grateful I sacrificed so much to spend all that time doing something I love with the people I love.  

Do you do other outside of school activities?

I go to dance six days a week and have work on the seventh day, so I'm pretty busy. But other than that, I love doing art. In school a majority of my classes are art classes using different mediums, and I am the president of my school's art club. I also really love doing makeup (go follow my tiktok @jaida.lowe to see what i can do) But anyway, that's really it for the activities I do outside of school. 

How has growing up near the shore been different than you think it would be in other parts of New Jersey?  Are you a beach baby?

I think growing up near the shore is definitely different in many ways. Personally, I am not a “beach baby”, I'd rather spend time at home in the pool with some friends. But being by the beach can be fun for so many other reasons. I feel like there's always a lot to do and places to go, especially in the summertime. Besides, this is the place everyone wants to come to in the summer. Overall, growing up and living by the shore is great and I would highly recommend it, 10/10. 

You have lived your teen years with a jam-packed schedule.  What’s your favorite lazy down-time activity?  Tell us how you would spend an ideal day that pops up with nothing on your schedule?

Jam-packed is for sure. If i could have one day completely off, I would either spend it getting some well needed beauty sleep, or at Hailey Lillis’s house making applesauce with her mom, Mrs. Amanda Lillis. 

What’s your take on Superhero movies?  Pro or con?

I absolutely LOVE Superhero movies. I'm a huge Marvel fan and can talk about the MCU and its timeline for days. Not to be a nerd but it's true. Even though Marvel is better than DC and everything else, I love pretty much all Superhero movies. No cons at all, just pros. 

What’s your favorite animated movie and why?

My favorite animated movie is Alice and Wonderland. I don't really know why but that movie is very nostalgic to me and is definitely a comfort movie. Call me crazy but that movie is fire. 

Who was your first celebrity crush?

My first celebrity crush was Kendall Schmidt from Big Time Rush, but now I'm disappointed because he shaved his head and is literally bald. I have nothing against bald people, it just does not look good on him. 

Name one thing (Movie, book, TV show, concert, etc.) that everybody should experience?

I think everyone and their mother should experience what it's like going to the opening of a MCU film. ESPECIALLY spider-man no way home. I would literally sell my spleen to relive watching that movie for the first time opening night again. It was by far one of the best days of my life. 

TV Show you're embarrassed to admit you used to watch?

I would probably say, Puppy Dog Pals on Disney Jr. But embarrassed? Not really, although I know I should be because I still watch this show at the prime age of 18. But it doesn't matter because it's a great show and I love it  #noshame 

What’s next?

I would love to indulge further into my art and/or makeup skills and learn more. Ideally, I want to go to college in NYC where I believe I can thrive and reach my goals. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Successful and rich. Just kidding, well not really. I think success can come in many ways, like money or happiness. (Hopefully I can achieve both) There are many different things I want to do with my life. I would love to be a makeup artist for celebrities, movies, TV shows, etc. a social media manager for famous name brands, or to own my very own dance studio. But no matter what, in 10 years I definitely see myself finding who I am, and fulfilling one of these careers.

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?

I've been at Center Stage for more than half of my life, I couldn't imagine not coming back. I would love to see what's in store for the people younger than me and what they accomplish. I'm sure a lot of things will change overtime like they always do, and I would love to know what the future holds for my second home and family.

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