Alexandra Gramuglia

What companies/classes are you currently in?  

I am currently a Jazzcat 3 and a Tapcat 1.

When did you start at Center Stage?  

I started dancing at Center Stage when I was three years old. 


Do you remember your first dance routine?  

Of course! How could I forget? My first routine was with Pam, and we danced to  “Cruella de Vil” from 101 Dalmatians. We dressed up as little Dalmatians and I’m still  friends with some of the girls in that class!  

What was your Center Stage journey?  

I started taking tap classes with Pam when I was three. I took several once-a-week tap,  ballet, and jazz classes every year until I later auditioned for company. I joined Jazzcats  in 8th grade and then Tapcats in 9th grade, and I’ve loved every second of it.  

Why has it been worth all of the energy you’ve put into it and the sacrifices you’ve  made?  

Being at dance is the only time I’m able to focus on myself and not think about what’s  going on at school. It’s like a meditative break, and I’ve met some of my most loyal  friends here, too.  

What other outside of school activities do you do?  

I am on my high school’s dance team, I’m a member of both National Honor Society and  Spanish Honor Society, I compete in Model United Nations and Model Congress  conferences, I tutor my second grade neighbor, and I do a lot of homework… a lot of  homework.  

If aliens showed up in your backyard, what would be the first thing you’d show them to  help them understand Earth?  

Hmm. Probably New York City, because there’s pretty much every sign of human life  imaginable there.  

What’s your favorite season and why? 

I don’t think I can choose between Summer and Fall. I like Summer because it’s warm  and sunny (and there’s no school) and Fall because it’s still kinda warm but the leaves  turn pretty colors and there’s the anticipation of the coming holiday season.  

If you were a superhero, what would be your name and your power?  

I’d want to be a healing superhero; whenever I touch something, it heals itself. I’m not  quite sure what my name would be. I’m open for suggestions.  

Are you more a crier or a giggler?  

Both. Definitely both.  

If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?  

25. Then I’ll be young and pretty forever, but still old enough to be an adult to take care  of myself. 


Are you a loner or a crowd person?  

Loner, for sure.  

Would you like to be famous?  

Not famous, just rich. 


What would you like to be famous for?  

I’d like to go into law and politics, so maybe I’ll become famous by running for office one  day.  

What’s next?  

College and then law school. I’m not sure exactly what I’ll major in, but I’m leaning  towards a combination of sustainability studies and government/policy to prepare me for  a career in environmental law. I also definitely want to join Greek life and other campus clubs.  

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  

Hopefully employed with a successful law firm in the city and preparing to campaign for  a representative office. I’d also like to own a dog or two!! 

Will you come back to visit Center Stage, or are you gone for good when you’re out the door?  

Of course I’ll visit! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!!

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